Tame External Features Come Birthing Endangered in a Cage, Narrative, Poem of the Week, October 28, 2024.
Forest of Beginnings, Mn Artists, October 2022.
Take to the Days a Fist of Starlight, Alta Journal, Winter 2022, Issue 18.
I Understand This Light to Be My Home, Poetry Magazine, October 2021.
Disfigures, The Adroit Journal, Issue 38, August 26, 2021.
Prayer to the Redwood, Lit Hub, August 28, 2020.
Proximal, Pedestal Magazine, Issue 86, June 2020.
In the Year of Permutations, POETS.org, Shelter In Poems, Academy of American Poets, June 3, 2020.
That All, Everyone, Each in Being, American Poets, Volume 58, Spring-Summer 2020, co-commissioned by the Academy of American Poets and the New York Philharmonic as part of the Project 19 initiative.
Allied with the Bees, A Daub of Tree Swallows as Aerial Ash, The Scores, Issue 7, Winter 2020.
Revolt of Bees, Catamaran Literary Reader, Volume 7, Issue 4, Winter 2020.
Out of Research Into Reveries, POETS.org, Poem-A-Day, Academy of American Poets, October 21, 2019.
Prayer to the Redwood, Freeman’s, October 2019.
Look to the New Moon, Poetry Magazine, July/August 2019.
They Think Our Killed Ones Cannot Speak to Us, Anthem for Taking Back, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Volume 47, Numbers 1 and 2, Spring/Summer 2019.
Sorrowed, The Rumpus, April 8, 2019.
Noxious, Tell us Trappist-1, Signal for the Way Out, NECK, Volume 2, 2019.
Authorization to Depart Ravaged Homeland as Biomedical Sample, Tin House, Volume 20, Number 3, Issue 79, Spring 2019.
Refugee, Walking Is the Most Human of All, The Shaman Asks About Yellow Rain, Notations to the Knower, American Poetry Review, Volume 47, Number 4, July/August 2018.
Declassified, Vigil For the Missing, West Branch, Volume 86, Winter 2018.
Dear Exile, America, We Call Your Name: Poems of Resistance and Resilience, Sixteen Rivers Press, 2018.
For the Nefarious, Monument, Poetry Magazine, July 2017.
Grove of Stones, Year of the Tornado, Frontier Poetry, June 9, 2017.
Civility, And Yet Still More, Los Angeles Review of Books, Number 14, May 2017.
Subterfuge, Guernica, May 2017.
Sojourn with Snow, Milkweed Editions Blog (as part of “Because We Come From Everything: Poetry & Migration”), April 13, 2017.
Of the Ash, American Poets, Academy of American Poets, Volume 52, Spring/Summer 2017.
Heart Swathing in Late Summer, Ear to the Night, I Shovel into the Heart to Find Its Naked Face, Calling the Lost, Virginia Quarterly Review, Volume 93, Number 2, Spring 2017.
Dear Exile, POETS.org, Poem-A-Day, Academy of American Poets, March 21, 2017.
After All Have Gone, Last Body, Mother of People without Script, Poetry Magazine, January 2017.
I Am the Whole Defense, POETS.org, Poem-A-Day, Academy of American Poets, December 26, 2016.
Offering the Ox, Southern Humanities Review, Volume 50, Numbers 1 and 2, Winter/Spring 2016.
I the Body of Laos and All My UXOs, Water~Stone Review, Volume 19, 2016.
Water Grave, Yellow Rain, American Poets, Academy of American Poets, Volume 50, Spring/Summer 2016.
Dear Soldier of the Secret War, The Spirit Meal, Ninth Letter, Volume 12, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2015.
Lima Site 20, Dear Exile, Final Dispatch from Laos, Sojourn with Snow, The Asian American Literary Review, Special Issue, 40-Year Anniversary, Vietnam War, Fall 2015.
The Hour after Stars, A Mouth and Its Name, Fairy Tale Review, The Mauve Issue, April 2015. Selected as a finalist for the 2014 Poetry Contest.
Matriarch The Journal, Issue 39.1, Winter 2015.
Meditation of the Lioness, Three, At Birth I Was Given a Book, In the Swallow’s Breath It Is You, Phantom Talker, Terminus, Radar Poetry, Issue 4, October 2014. Selected as a finalist for the 2014 Coniston Prize for women poets.
Light From a Burning Citadel, The Missouri Review Online, Poem of the Week, January 20, 2014.
When the Mountains Rose Beneath Us, We became the Valley,The Rupture, Issue 51, October 2013.
Until Nowhere, Diadem on Lined Paper,The Boiler, Issue 9, Fall 2013.